Welby Parish Council - Home page

Welcome to Welby

Welcome to Welby

Welby Parish

Welby is a small, quaint village within the South Kesteven district of Lincolnshire. It lies 4.5 miles north-east of Grantham with a population of approximately 169 in 82 households (taken from the 2011 census). 


High Dyke will be closed from 11 March to 7 April

road works

Dog Fouling on Red Lane

Sadly we have to report that there is a noticeable increase of dog fouling and the resultant waste not being picked up, particularly on Red Lane. This is despite the presence of the Parish Council provided bin in that area.

We ask and remind all residents and responsible dog owners to please pick up and dispose of dog waste created by their pets.

Red Lane is a byway which is covers under the same laws as a pavement and thus people who do not pick up after their pets are liable to be fined under existing legislation.

Like you, we want to keep our village and its surroundings in a pleasant condition so we ask that this is part of doing exactly that.

Have your say on the draft public rights of way improvement plan

Please tell us what you and your residents think about the draft public rights of way improvement plan before 5pm on Monday 9 June 2025.

The draft, a two-page summary and a short survey are here: www.letstalk.lincolnshire.gov.uk/draftrowip

You might recall being invited in the autumn to comment on needs from public rights of way. We’ve used that feedback, existing policies, and local data to write a draft PRoWIP.

The draft document shows how LCC will meet our statutory duty under the Countryside and Rights of Way (CRoW) Act 2000.

Public rights of way (PRoW) are highways that the public are entitled to use at any time.

An improvement plan must:

  • assess how PRoW meet the present and likely future needs of the public
  • check that PRoW provide for exercise and other forms of outdoor recreation and enable people to enjoy the area
  • consider local PRoW accessibility to blind or partially sighted persons and those with mobility problems

We look forward to receiving your views.

Interested in becoming a local councillor ?

South Kesteven DisCouncil News

25 Feb 2025

Interested in becoming a local councillor?

Potential election candidates for the forthcoming Lincolnshire County Council election on May 1st are being invited to a briefing event to find out more.

The election process and how to stand as a councillor will be covered at the SKDC-hosted event on Thursday 6th March at 6pm in the Council Chamber in Grantham.

The briefing will also explain the nomination process, outline the election timetable as well as matters relating to voting, campaigning and arrangements for the count.

Deputy Returning Officer Karen Bradford, who is also SKDC Chief Executive, said: “This session is open to everyone thinking about standing as a candidate at the May 1st elections for Lincolnshire County Council in any of the divisions within South Kesteven.

“We have arranged the session for prospective candidates who may wish to put themselves forward to help decide local issues and their election agents.

“Those elected can make a real difference by representing the views of local people to ensure the community gets the right services, they can support individual residents with an issue, or help shape the community by bringing forward or deciding on new projects."

There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.

Those interested in attending the briefing in Council Chamber, SKDC, South Kesteven House, St Peter's Hill, Grantham, NG31 6PY, can register in advance by emailing the elections team at elections@southkesteven.gov.uk

For those unable to attend, the presentations made will be available afterwards on the SKDC website.

Further information can be found at www.southkesteven.gov.uk/elections2025

Contact Information

Patrick Astill


South Kesteven District Council


07970 279738



Key election dates:

  • Candidate nomination papers can be submitted 19th March – 2nd April (10am-4pm)
  • Publication of Statement of Persons Nominated (Announcement of candidates): 2nd April
  • Register to vote deadline: Midnight, 11th April
  • Apply to vote by post deadline: 5pm, 14th April
  • Apply to vote by proxy deadline: 5pm, 23rd April
  • Apply for a Voter Authority Certificate: 5pm, 23rd April
  • Polling day: 7am-10pm on Thursday 1st May
  • The formal election process begins with the publication of the Notice of Election on 19th March.
  • Poll cards will start to be delivered from 19th March

Solar Farms - Current Status

The current status of the various solar farms around Welby is as follows:

  1. Ash Tree Solar Farm: planning application has been submitted but still awaiting decision by SKDC. Welby Parish Council has previously submitted comments. Further changes had been made to the application. Application was refused by SKDC. For details follow the links below.
  2. Welby Solar Farm: a full planning application has been submitted and was approved by SKDC.
  3. Church Lane Solar Farm: an EIA (environmental Impact Assessment) Screening Opinion was requested which does not require a planning permission. A full planning application had been submitted. This closed for public comment on 29 April 2024. Welby Parish Council have submitted comments. SKDC refused planning permission on 11 July 2024 but an appeal had been lodged. Planning permission was granted on 15 January 2025 by an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State.

The Church Lane Solar Farm proposal is probably of the most concern as it is by far the closest to the village. The full planning application for Church Lane Solar Farm has been submitted and Welby Parish Council have commented. An open forum was held so villagers could express their views which were taken into account. SKDC refused planning permission on 11 July 2024.

Flooding in Welby

Permits and gangs have been booked for a 12th August start date until 6th September. The main body of the works will include a full survey and clearing of the existing system, so a high powered jetting unit and a works gang will be attending and will clear roots and blockages, repair small breakages and camera everything they can get the camera unit into. If these investigations find some considerable damage, that the gangs are unable to repair there and then, then they will have to return at a later date to carry out these larger scale works, but the gangs will try their best to leave the whole system serviceable and flowing, even if there are other more extensive issues to address later on.

Emergency numbers
emergency details

Areas of responsibility:

* Homeowners are generally responsible for all pipes and connections within their property boundaries.

* Anglian Water is responsible for both the mains water supply and the sewage drains in the village (outside peoples’ properties).

* Lincolnshire County Council is responsible for the stormwater drains in the village (outside peoples’ properties).

* Lincolnshire County Council (Highways Department) is also responsible for the roads in the village.

* South Kesteven District Council is responsible for the sweeping of the roads in the village.

* South Kesteven District Council is also responsible for the street lights within the village.

* National Grid (Western Power Distribution) is responsible for the electricity cables in the village (outside peoples' properties).

Welby Church

St. Bartholomew’s Church

CallConnect App

Police and Crime Commissioner Fraud Packs

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has launched a campaign to tackle fraud and scams by empowering communities to identify and report fraud through the distribution of FREE fraud and scam prevention packs. The packs include materials such as ‘No Cold Callers’ door stickers and information leaflets, and are designed to equip communities with the essential tools and knowledge to identify fraud and prevent themselves becoming victims. To order a free pack visit https://survey.lincolnshirealert.co.uk/Survey/GUID/a21b38a6-9e0c-4fa1-a6d8-800303265b1a

Litter Picking Kits

Lincolnshire County Council have made available a number of litter picking kits consisting of a litter picking stick, clear refuse sacks and a hi-visibility vest. Anybody wishing to borrow one or more of these kits, please contact the parish clerk. These are available on a first-come, first-serve basis and can be borrowed for any desired period of time. The kits officially remain the property of Lincolnshire County Council.

Zero Tolerance Policy

We will not tolerate abusive language or threatening behaviour against any member of Welby Parish Council. Such behaviour may result in the offender being reported to the appropriate authorities and/or any further measures as appropriate.

Contacting the Parish Council

Please note that the Parish Council can be contacted in any of the following 3 ways:

  • Contact a councillor directly and this can be done by approaching the councillor in person, via email or via phone.
  • Email or write to the Clerk and the item will then be raised as a Residents Issue at the next Parish Council meeting. The matter will then be discussed as part of the agenda and minuted accordingly.
  • Attend a parish council meeting and raise the issue in Public Questions.

The Parish Council will not consider issues raised indirectly to avoid any possibility of confusion or misunderstanding.