Welby Parish Finance

Managing Finances
The Clerk, as the Parish Council's designated Financial Officer manages finances, ensuring payments are made in accordance with agreed procedures. The Parish Council is mandated to manage funds fairly, transparently and within it's scope of authority.
At the end of the tax year the accounts are subject to an internal and external audit independent of the parish council. Once the accounts have been signed off the Clerk posts a copy of "notice of inspection period for the exercise of public rights" - this is a notice which invites parishioners to examine the accounting information if they so wish. The Clerk is however happy to respond to queries at any time. Our appointed external Auditor is: PKF Littlejohn LLP, SBA Team, 1 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London, E14 4HD. Telephone: 020 7516 2200.
The funding for Welby Parish Council is allocated by South Kesteven District Council and is taken from the area’s council tax; called an annual precept. We can also apply for any relevant UK grants and funding. Presently we receive an annual precept of £1,650.00 and a cleaning grant of £926.64.
The main areas of spend include: grass cutting, hedge and fence replacements, tree inspection and tree remedial work, insurance, electricity for village green, maintenance of village green, bus shelter and The Clerk's remuneration.