The work to help reduce speeding vehicles in the village has continued unabated, aside from Covid-19 lockdown periods of course!
It is also pleasing to receive support from the local and county police, with a variety of suggestions to attend our village and the possibility of including a contact officer to regularly assist our group. Please see the attached response from Marc Jones the Police & Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire and also Kerrin Wilson, Assistant Chief Constable.
Following ongoing concerns from several parishioners in regards to speeding vehicles through our village, Welby Parish Council has liaised with Road Safety Partnership Lincolnshire to set up the new Community Speed Watch Initiative in Welby and purchased the required equipment.
Welby's Community Speed Watch programme commenced in January 2019 being the first group in the Grantham area to operate this programme.
The programme involves volunteers within our community who have kindly donated their time to carry out speed checks in a controlled and authorised manner within Welby throughout the week to make our village a safer place.
The aim of the scheme is for these volunteers to:
undertake high-visibility roadside operations to educate speeding drivers, by displaying their speed on a handheld radar with a view to improving driver behaviour; and
- reporting to the Police the details of speeding vehicles in specific areas where speed is of concern. These speed monitoring reports enable the police to send advisory letters to the registered owners. Eventually, if a driver exceeds the speed limit three times, they will be visited by the Police and potentially given points on their licence - these can be a mix of a road-side check in our village, or from another Community Speed Watch check point in Lincolnshire, or from a Police roadside vehicle speed check.
- Also the data gathered to inform Police and others on the allocation of resources and general road safety issues.
If anyone would like to volunteer to help deliver this programme or to contact the team please contact Roel van Aken, Welby Speed Watch Co-ordinator, on 01400 230404 or email: welbyspeedwatch@gmail.com.