The Parish Council is a statutory consultee with no powers to accept or reject planning applications. The process of how the PC manages planning applications is detailed below.

The Process
SKDC will inform the Clerk via email, of planning applications within the parish boundary. In turn the Clerk notifies Councillors, who review planning applications via SKDC’s planning portal. (SKDC no longer issue hard copies of plans to the PC; they may be viewed on line or hard copies are available to view at SKDC’s offices, St Peter’s Hill, Grantham).  Alternatively, try the Link found in the 'Quick Links' section below.
Subject to the specific timings, where possible the Clerk will include planning applications within the next Parish Council Meeting. The agenda will include the reference number, the name and address of the applicant, (the location of the proposed works if this differs from the applicant address), a brief summary of the scope of the application.  
The Clerk posts agendas on this website. Subject to any Covid-19 restrictions, parishioners and applicants are welcome to attend meetings and to comment or give additional information on the application if they wish to do so. Councillors will consider the merits of the application and any representations made by the public before voting on a response to SKDC. This may be to lodge no objections, or to recommend the application is modified or conditions are imposed or to record ground for rejecting the application. On behalf of the PC, the Clerk will submit comments to SKDC immediately following the meeting. If a planning application is rejected and the applicant appeals, the PC is again consulted and the above process is reinstated.
Conflict of Interest 
If a Councillor submits a planning application or has any personal interest in an application, they will declare a conflict of interest and absent themselves from the PC discussion and any vote taken.
Making a comment on a planning application
Parishioners are encouraged to make comments directly to SKDC; this is a fairly straightforward process; it can be done via letter to the Planning Department or on line via or by using the 'Quick Links' section on this website.
Once you access the SKDC website, click on “look for it”, under Planning and Building Control, you click on “search for a planning application”. You can then enter the reference number if known, or the address, applicant or proposal.  If you enter Welby in the search bar you will see a list of the most recent applications in that area. Click on the application you wish to view. You can then scroll down and will see “comment on this application”. You are asked for your personal details and your comments. Once you submit your comments a reference number is automatically generated, which you should retain for reference.  

Also you are welcome to raise any comments with The Parish Councillors.