November Agenda

Due to the Covid-19 meeting restrictions the meeting will again be held via a webinar between the councilors, and the public are welcome to submit any questions ahead of the meeting date

but no later than 24 hours beforehand.  


AGENDA – 9th November 2020

1. Apologies for Absence
To receive apologies from those councillors unable to attend.

2. Confirmation of eligibility, quorum and Declaration of interest

  • To confirm eligibility of councillors and quorum present to make a legal meeting; and

  • To receive declarations of the existence and nature of any private interest, both disclosable and financial and any other registrable interests, in any matter to be considered or being considered.   

3. Public Representations
To receive items and comments from members of the public. 
4. Minutes of previous meeting
To authorise the Chairman to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 9th September 2020 as a true and accurate record.
5.   a) Reducing speeding through Welby 
  • Speedwatch team have continued to monitor speeding in our village and an update is required regarding any further actions taken by both the Police and the village.
     b) Fundraising strategies for Speed Indicator Devices (SID). 
  • It was agreed at previous meetings that WPC would support fundraising for a SID device for Welby. After an application by councilor Michael Priestley to LCC, we have now received from LCC a contribution of £500 towards the cost of the SID. The process for collecting further donations is to be finalised and issued to the village.
6. County and District Councillor Reports (if Councillors present at meeting)
  • To receive an update from the County Councillor Martin Hill on Lincolnshire County Council matters. 
  • To receive an update from the District Councillor Sarah Trotter on South Kesteven District Council matters. 
7. Lincolnshire Police Report (if PCSO present at meeting)
To receive an update from PCSO Stuart Bowden in regards to local police matters. 
8. Correspondences 
To receive a report from The Clerk on relevant correspondences received and action taken since last meeting.
Type of Correspondence
Received from
Action taken
SKDC –Planning 
Summary of weekly planning list for district.
Circulated to Councilors for information. 
Church wall damage – repairs outstanding
Clerk confirmed the council, Highways Dept, the church diocese and the Police all informed (& photos sent). Updates required
Concerns raised over village speed signs being too hard to see
To be considered by WPC
Update required
Health issues with feral pigeons’ problems at Chestnut Farm & the wider village area
To be considered by WPC
Update required
Pavement (drop curb) repair at the entrance to Lordship Farm
To be considered by WPC
Update required
Bale Wagons and the road sweeping
Possible scheduling of sweeps to ensure collecting of straw is timely. Update required
9.  a) Planning Applications:  
Planning applications to consider the following planning applications received:
Mr Joseph Bryan (Appealed)*
This has not progressed due to Covid-19. No change. Update to be supplied when re-scheduled meeting date or status changed.
Land between High Dyke & B6403, Cold Harbour
Use of land for stationing caravans for residential purposes, erection of six day rooms and one toilet block, with access
10. Highways
a) Update from The Clerk on highway faults including those reported by WBC to LCC Highways and SKDC.
Council Ref: 
Date Logged
Description of Fault
Damaged path on Church Street
Now repaired by Colin Hewitt
Gulley close to Welby Turn off on High Dyke need refilling
WPC felt work completed is not adequate! Update required
Water damage to a villager’s wall in Main Street 
Update required
20/5/ 20
Due to accidents within the village SKDC to be contacted regarding extending speed limit boundary
Update required from D. Cllr Sarah Trotter & Clerk
Reported on-going poor road condition near bus stop, Main St
Villager previously reported 6 years ago & still no action?
Update required
Parishioner highlighted issue with rainwater damage on road outside their property
Update required from D. Cllr Sarah Trotter & Clerk
11. Village Matters
  • Update on condition of derelict property & gardens on Main Street - Update required
  • Tree cutting in Main Street (opposite pub) - new date is Monday 14th December 2020
  •  Millennium tree located in Saxondale needs plaque repairing or replacing as it’s in very poor - a new replacement is now available & will be attached soon
  • Bench near Bus Stop on Main Street now fully restored – as a special ‘Thank you’ to the individual who completed the extensive work freely, it’s proposed a small gift/voucher is provided to them.
  • Clerk to notify parishioners the existing Welby website will be taken down in early December. Therefore, any records which parishioners wish to obtain from this site should be copied before it is removed. The new website will take over almost immediately and will not contain the same level of content.
  • Fly-tipping reported by villager on the road East out of Welby – Clerk reported & No: 1913627.
12. Finance
  • Councilors to sign off payments due for payment and;

a) Cash Book: The Clerk reported that the Bank statement shows a balance of £3068.89 as of 3/9/20. 

Since last meeting the following income has been received:

Since last meeting payments made from the bank: 
Chq No
Payment for


b) Cheques raised during meeting

Chq No
Amount (£)
Payment for
Michael Priestley
Bench repairs
Colin Hewitt
Pavement repairs, Church Lane
Welby District Church
St Bartholomew’s usage for 2019-20


The petty cash has a balance of £7.06 as of today’s date. 
Since last meeting payments made from Petty Cash:
Folio No
Purchased From
Payment for

The Chairman signed off Cashbooks as a true record after agreement from Councilors that both bank statement and cash books were accurate.

13. Urgent business 
To consider any urgent business.
Please note if it is “urgent” only because it was not notified in time to appear on the agenda, it should be left till the next meeting. If it is genuinely “urgent”, that is it was too late for the agenda and it will be too late for action if left till the next ordinary meeting The Chairman and The Clerk need to decide whether an additional meeting should be called or actioned during this meeting.
14. Decide next meeting of the parish council.
Councilors and Clerk to agree date and time of next meetings:                                            via Zoom.