November Minutes
Minutes of meeting of the Welby Parish Council (WPC) held via webinar on:
Wednesday 9th November 2020 at 7.00pm.
Cllr John Fisher (Chairman) Cllr Michael Priestley (Vice) Cllr Ian Shippey
Cllr Ivan Jones Cllr James Pask
In Attendance
Richard Houghton (Clerk) Cllr Sarah Trotter (SKDC)
1. Apologies for absence
Cllr Martin Hill (LCC)
2. Confirmation of eligibility, quorum and declaration of interests.
All councillors present remained eligible, the meeting was quorate and no declaration of interests declared.
3. Public Representations
Due to Covid-19 it was not possible for the public to be in attendance on the webinar. The villagers were offered the opportunity to raise questions prior to the meeting and no responses were received.
4. Minutes from previous meeting.
It was resolved that the minutes of the previous meeting dated 9th September 2020 is an accurate record of the parish council meeting and was signed off by The Chairman.
5. Reducing speeding through Welby
a) Speedwatch team have continued to monitor speeding in our village and an update is required regarding any further actions taken by both the Police and the village – currently the Speedwatch team are not operating due to Covid-19 v2. However, prior to the second lockdown they were very active and recorded speeds, on a few occasions in excess of 60mph! Approximately 20-25% of all drivers were recorded in excess of 35mph and eight of these were Welby parishioners. There is no update available as to the further involvement with the Police but when available it will be relayed.
b) Fundraising strategies for Speed Indicator Devices (SID).
It was agreed at previous meetings that WPC would support fundraising for a SID device for Welby. After an application by councillor Michael Priestley to LCC, we have now received from LCC a contribution of £500 towards the cost of the SID. The process for collecting further donations is to be finalised and issued to the village – Councillors have discussed a speed reduction strategy in further detail. In addition to a SID - and conditional on LCC consent - a number of changes could be implemented in the village with the combined effect of reducing the numbers of speeding vehicles.
Therefore, in addition to the SID project it was also proposed to include a ‘white gates’ project where these could be erected (subject to some form filling) on the outer borders of the village. It has been widely evidenced these ‘gates’ do slow traffic down, without the need for expensive road lay-out (chic-cane) changes. Although the additional cost for the ‘gates' has not yet been established the expectation will be a significant cost-benefit over any other system. So, in conjunction with the SID, and a further proposal to extend where the ‘gates’ and the ‘Welby’ village sign are located - as the Welby village sign was moved (from its original location) to where the 30mph sign is now. It would make more sense to move the 30mph sign to where the Welby village sign used to be. These changes should collectively all make a significant difference in speed reduction through the village. Finally, to confirm, there will be three sets of ‘gates’ covering all the entrances to the village: Main Street (East & West) plus Church Lane. As previously advised, Wendy will produce a flyer to promote the fund-raising scheme and how people can make contributions – all donations are welcomed. Thank you.
6. County and District Councillor Reports (if Councillors present at meeting)
To receive an update from the County Councillor Martin Hill on Lincolnshire County Council matters - Although Martin was not able to attend the Zoom meeting he did kindly provide some useful information in advance. In relation to the proposed ‘gates’ at each entrance to the village, Martin believes these will be a good aid in speed reduction and whilst WPC will need to raise the funds to buy and have them erected, LCC will complete all the relevant paperwork, permit applications and approvals free of charge upon request!
Concerns have also been raised about some overgrown hedges encroaching on the A52 near Welby, thereby reducing road junction visibility. This is being investigated accordingly.
To receive an update from the District Councillor Sarah Trotter on South Kesteven District Council matters – Cllr Sarah was very helpful in a number of areas, she even visited the village to personally check various problem highways concerns in order to feedback directly, armed with first-hand information and photos. See more below in ‘Sections 8 Correspondence & 9 Highways’.
In addition, Sarah confirmed there are a number of ‘Community Kindness Packages’ (food/treats) available within SKDC to provide for people in the Welby Parish who are lonely or in need of help and support. If you know of someone who could benefit from these, in the first instance please contact (in confidence) either Sarah Trotter (SKDC) a Parish Councillor or the Welby Parish Clerk, Richard. Thank you.
7. Lincolnshire Police Report (if PCSO present at meeting)
To receive an update from PCSO Stuart Bowden in regards to local police matters - There was no update available from Stuart Bowden prior to the issue of these minutes.
8. Correspondence^
The clerk reported to the meeting below relevant correspondences received since last meeting;
Type of Correspondence
Received from
Action taken
SKDC –Planning
Summary of weekly planning list for district.
Circulated to Councillors for information.
Church wall damage – repairs outstanding
Clerk confirmed the council informed (& photos sent) - D. Cllr Sarah & Clerk following up with Church diocese, Police, Driver of vehicle & insurance.
To date, the wall has been assessed & quote awaited, the damaged pole has been replaced but signage awaited.
Concerns raised over village speed signs being too hard to see
To be considered by WPC
Village signs are currently clean with no overhanging foliage. However, a report received about the Welby A52 junction, D. Cllr Sarah is checking the details
Health issues with feral pigeons problems at Chestnut Farm & the wider village area
To be considered by WPC
After both the RSPCA and The Environmental Health were spoken to regarding the pigeon problems, both stated that with no alternative practical solution a cull was in accordance with their requirements. The birds are only being reduced in number not eliminated.
The requirements & licences needed by the two departments to undertake such a task have been met.
Pavement (drop curb) repair at the entrance to Lordship Farm
To be considered by WPC
At this stage it seems unlikely the Highways Dept will deal with this request. See below for more details*
Bale Wagons and the road sweeping
Possible scheduling of sweeps to ensure collecting of straw is timely - Clerk will try & liaise with the SKDC to achieve a more satisfactory result in 2021. Subject of course to weather conditions and timings of the straw bale wagons
*Dropped Kerb:
As the current Dropped kerb in question is not damaged, after receiving a request to move this further out by one kerbstone, the LCC guidance means it would require a personal application, with costs borne by applicant. The initial cost to apply for permission for a dropped kerb is £300. Each site will be assessed against current highway standards &existing conditions in the local area.
Here is a helpful LCC link: Before you apply, you must read the application for a dropped kerb guidance
This information was received by councillors and agreed that appropriate action taken.
9. Planning Applications
a. No current planning applications to consider.
Reference: S18/0944
Mr Joseph Bryan (Appealed)*
No change. Update to be supplied when re-scheduled meeting date or status changed, post Covid-10 v2*
Land between High Dyke & B6403, Cold Harbour
Proposal: Use of land for stationing caravans for residential purposes, erection of six-day rooms and one toilet block, with access
SKDC Local Plan Consultation
Around Grantham
19,000 dwellings to be built:
This could have an impact on the above application?
*D. Cllr Sarah Trotter (SKDC) advised the situation is still waiting for the Covid-19 rules to allow for the meetings to continue before any further discussions can be considered. Sarah will try again to source the latest position if possible, and let us know.
10. Highways^
a) The Clerk updated on previous highway faults reported by WPC to LCC Highways and SKDC.
Council Reference
Date Logged
Description of Fault
Damaged path on Church Street
Now repaired by Colin Hewitt
Gulley close to Welby Turn off on High Dyke needs refilling
WPC felt work completed is not adequate! - D. Cllr Sarah is also raising this with Highways after viewing the problem recently.
Water damage to a villager’s wall in Main Street
This has again been reported to SKDC and D. Cllr Sarah is also raising this with Highways after viewing the problem recently.
20/5/ 20
Due to two accidents within the village SKDC to be contacted regarding extending speed limit boundary
Clerk has followed up with SKDC Highways dept again, D. Cllr Sarah is also raising this with Highways after viewing the problem recently.
Reported on-going poor road condition near bus stop, Main St
Villager previously reported 6 years ago & still no action?
Clerk and D. Cllr Sarah is also raising this with Highways after viewing the problem recently.
Parishioner highlighted issue with rainwater damage on road outside their property
Clerk and D. Cllr Sarah are also raising this with Highways after viewing the problem recently.
b) Other Highway matters
Councillors to consider other highway matters within Welby
Note: ^The sections 8 & 10 marked as above have certain overlaps regarding general and more specific ‘Highways’ issues or concerns, as a result, from the next scheduled meeting the Agenda & Minutes will be adjusted to include all Highways issues within the Highways Section, irrespective of how they have arisen.
11. Village Matters
a) Update on condition of derelict property on 226 Main Street - This is currently having on-going work and Chairman John Fisher confirmed that a progress update is due soon on this property. In addition, further work has been completed on the barns at another property on Main Street.
b) Tree cutting in Main Street (opposite pub) - new date is Monday 14th December 2020
c) Millennium tree located in Saxondale - plaque has now been obtained and will be fitted soon
d) The bench near Bus Stop on Main Street - now fully restored. It was agreed a ‘Thank you’ gift will be given to the individual who completed the extensive work freely
e) Clerk to notify parishioners the existing Welby website will be taken down in early December - Therefore, any records which parishioners wish to obtain from this site should be copied before it is removed. The new website will take over almost immediately and will not contain the same level of content. In some respects, it will contain more useful information, more images etc. But importantly, whilst the website is changing both for legal and practical reasons to meet new requirements, the financial records, agendas & minutes from WPC meetings are still retained, although only the past 12 months will be visible on the new website.
f) Fly-tipping reported by villager on the road East out of Welby – Clerk reported & No: 1913627
12. Finance
a) Cash Book: The Clerk reported that the cashbook shows a balance of £2947.76 as of 3/10/20. Note: Until I receive the bank statements direct I am still unable to confirm the very latest figures.
Since last meeting the following income has been received:
Contribution towards the SID unit
Since last meeting payments made from the bank:
Chq No
Payment for
b) Cheques raised during meeting
Chq No
Payment for
Michael Priestley
Bench repairs & Plaque
Colin Hewitt
Pavement repairs, Church Lane
Welby District Church
St Bartholomew’s usage for 2019-20
The petty cash shows a balance of £7.06 as of today’s date.
Since last meeting payments made from Petty Cash:
Folio No
Purchased From
Payment for
The Chairman signed off Cashbooks as a true record after agreement from councillors that both bank statement and cash books were accurate.
13. Urgent/any other business
To consider any urgent business:
14. Date of next meetings of the parish council on: Wednesday 6th January 2021 at 7pm via Zoom
Signed: ………………………………………………………… Chairman Dated:……………………………
It is important to understand that the information this document contains represents notes of the meeting which took place and do not become Minutes of Welby Parish Council until accepted or otherwise at the following meeting.