Minutes AGM May 2024

Meeting Minutes



Cllr Michael Priestley (Chairman)                  Cllr James Pask (Vice-Chairman)

Cllr Gill Ikin                                                    Cllr Jonathan Fisher

Cllr. Alan Gilbert                                             Cllr. Martin Hill (LCC)


In Attendance 

Roel van Aken (Clerk)

Apologies for absence

Cllr Sarah Trotter (SKDC) 


1.  Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman for Welby Parish Council.

The Clerk took over the as chair for the election process. Cllr Michael Priestley was elected as Chair and Cllr James Pask was elected as Vice-Chair.

2.  Confirmation of eligibility and quorum

All councilors present remained eligible and the meeting was quorate to make it legal.

3.  Declaration of interests

There are no changes to the previous made declarations and there are no new declarations.

4.  Public Representations

No items or comments from members of the public were received.

5. Minutes

It was agreed that the minutes of the previous annual meeting dated 17th May 2023 are an accurate record of the parish council meeting and were signed off by The Chairman.

6. Asset Register

Welby Parish Council’s Asset Register was reviewed and approved. Councilor Pask and The Clerk have carried out a safety inspection with no issues found.

7. Review Policies and Procedures


8.  Insurance

Welby Parish Council Insurance Policy for 2024-25 was renewed.

9. AGAR return

The AGAR return for 2023-24 was approved and signed.

10. Finance

Clerk’s Salary for 2024-25 was increased to £750.00 p.a. (3.4% increase).

11. Dates of ordinary meetings

The next ordinary meeting of Welby Parish Council will take place on Wednesday 26 June 2024 at 19:00 in St. Bartholomew’s Church.

12. Urgent business

No urgent business was raised.







Signed: ……………………………………………………………..   Chairman

