Agenda January 2025
AGENDA – 15th January 2025
19:00 in Wel-But Cottage
1. Apologies for Absence
To receive apologies from those councillors unable to attend.
2. Confirmation of eligibility, quorum and Declaration of interest
- To confirm eligibility of councillors and quorum present to make a legal meeting; and
- To receive declarations of the existence and nature of any private interest, both disclosable and financial and any other registrable interests, in any matter to be considered or being considered.
3. Public Representations
To receive items and comments from members of the public.
4. Minutes of previous meeting
To authorise the Chair to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 13th November 2024 as a true and accurate record.
5. Flooding Issues
To review current status and any further actions that may be needed.
- LCC plan of works
- Welby Emergency Plan: a final session is planned for Wednesday 8 January in Lincoln.
6. Solar Farm Proposals
To review current plethora of proposals and potential impact on Welby:
- Church Lane Solar Farm: rejected by SKDC but appeal has been lodged
- Ash Tree Solar Farm: rejected by SKDC
- Welby Solar Farm: still being considered by SKDC
7. Reducing speeding through Welby
- Speed watch: to receive an update from the speed watch team.
- SID:
- siting on Church Lane
- solar upgrade
- review results to date
8. County and District Councillor Reports (if Councillors present at meeting)
- To receive an update from the County Councillor Martin Hill on Lincolnshire County Council matters.
- To receive an update from the District Councillor Sarah Trotter on South Kesteven District Council matters.
9. Correspondences
To receive a report from The Clerk on relevant correspondences received and action taken since last meeting.
Date |
Type of Correspondence |
Received from |
Reference |
Action taken |
weekly |
SKDC –Planning |
Summary of weekly planning list for district. |
Circulated to Councilors for information. |
3/11/24 |
Concerned villager |
Location of SID on new pole on Church Lane |
Circulated to Councilors for information. Position being reassessed. |
10/24 |
Emails |
Concerned villager |
Overhanging trees / bushes on Blacksmiths’ Lane |
Circulated to Councilors for information. Responsible parties contacted. |
10. Planning Applications:
Planning applications to consider with the following planning applications received:
Reference |
Name |
Location |
Proposal |
S24/1040 |
Welby Solar Farm |
Pastures Farm, High Dike, Welby |
Proposal for a solar farm. Circulated to councillors for comment. WPC have provided comments. Awaiting decision by SKDC. |
S24/1883 |
Mr William Thornhill |
Land To The North Of St Bartholomew's Church, Welby |
Works to TPO Tree(s). Circulated to councillors for comment. WPC has no objections. Approved by SKDC. |
11. Highways
Update from The Clerk on highway faults including those reported by WPC to LCC Highways and SKDC.
Council Ref: |
Date Logged |
Description of Fault |
Update |
12. Village Matters
a. park bench near bus stop: will need repainting at some point in the future.
b. Village Green tree canopy: another tree trimming will be necessary. A quote has been obtained and the majority of the work took place on 17 December. Some additional pruning will be required now that National Grid have finished their upgrading work.
c. Lilac bush on Blacksmiths’ Lane: was pruned back.
e. Fallen tree Walnut Cottage.
13. Finance
Since last meeting the following income has been received:
Date |
Method |
Amount |
From |
For |
Since last meeting payments made from bank account:
Chq No |
Amount |
Payee |
Payment for |
- |
80.00 |
Annual membership fee for 2025 |
- |
75.00 |
St Bartholomew’s Church |
Church hire |
- |
18.23 |
Electricity village green Oct |
- |
250.00 |
Harry Whinney |
Village sign restoration - remaining payment |
- |
48.00 |
Sara Barns |
Bin Red Lane (Nov) |
- |
8.00 |
Bank a/c charges |
- |
30.00 |
Casthorpe |
Christmas tree |
- |
254.40 |
Elan City |
SID upgrade to solar – part 1 |
- |
189.41 |
Elan City |
SID upgrade to solar – part 2 |
- |
28.98 |
Elan City |
SID upgrade to solar – part 3 |
- |
300.00 |
Elan City |
SID upgrade to solar – part 4 |
- |
300.00 |
Elan City |
SID upgrade to solar – part 5 |
- |
17.64 |
Electricity village green Nov |
- |
8.00 |
Bank a/c charges |
- |
48.00 |
Sara Barns |
Bin Red Lane (Dec) |
Cheques raised during meeting:
Chq No |
Amount |
Payee |
Payment for |
The Chairman signed off Cashbooks as a true record after agreement from Councillors that both bank statement and cash books were accurate.
14. Urgent business
To consider any urgent business.
Please note if it is “urgent” only because it was not notified in time to appear on the agenda, it should be left till the next meeting. If it is genuinely “urgent”, that is it was too late for the agenda and it will be too late for action if left till the next ordinary meeting The Chairman and The Clerk need to decide whether an additional meeting should be called or actioned during this meeting.
15. Decide next meeting of the parish council.
Councillors and Clerk to agree date and time of next meetings.