Minutes January 2021
Minutes of meeting of the Welby Parish Council (WPC) held via webinar on:
Wednesday 6th January 2021 at 7.00pm.
Cllr John Fisher (Chairman) Cllr Michael Priestley (Vice) Cllr Ian Shippey
Cllr Ivan Jones Cllr James Pask
In Attendance
Richard Houghton (Clerk) Cllr Sarah Trotter (SKDC) Cllr Martin Hill (LCC)
1. Apologies for absence
2. Confirmation of eligibility, quorum and declaration of interests.
All councillors present remained eligible, the meeting was quorate and no declaration of interests declared.
3. Public Representations
Due to Covid-19 it was not possible for the public to be in attendance on the webinar. The villagers were offered the opportunity to raise questions prior to the meeting and no responses were received.
4. Minutes from previous meeting.
It was resolved that the minutes of the previous meeting dated 9th November 2020 is an accurate record of the parish council meeting and was signed off by The Chairman.
5. Reducing speeding through Welby
a) Speedwatch team have currently ceased activity due to the Covid-19 Lockdown requirements.
b) Fundraising strategies for Speed Indicator Devices (SID).
Even though we are in difficult times the Clerk reported we have been receiving contributions from the local parishioners towards the costs of the SID and white fencing projects. Total contributions received to date (6-1-21) including the contribution from LCC = £1,640.00 – thank you. This leaves a current projected shortfall of £1,860.00.
The Councillors gratefully appreciated the generous contributions being received from parishioners and it has produced a very good start. The above shortfall identifies there is still a need to raise more funds if we are to achieve our objectives. Various other options were considered including: an on-line (Zoom) Pub-type quiz to raise funds, an alternative to the Christmas tree labels that Wendy Carter ingeniously devised which had raised funds for the Welby Weekenders – some of which could also be donated to the SID & white gates projects, and a few other village-based social events (when covid-19 restrictions allow this sort of social activity).
6. County and District Councillor Reports (if Councillors present at meeting)
To receive an update from the County Councillor Martin Hill on Lincolnshire County Council matters: Cllr Martin provided a variety of useful information much of which is now public knowledge, relating to some Primary schools able to remain open during the current lockdown, numbers of covid-19 cases within the Lincolnshire region and the fact we now have the Oxford vaccine version in the county.
Another topic covered of interest to the Welby residents could be the confirmation the Highways department are still scheduled to make a number of repairs & improvements to previously
highlighted sections within Welby (see section 10 below). The start date for this project is due to be 18 January 2021 (not for Welby) but over a 2-3 weeks period, as there are a number of
other villages who will also receive these works from this date, and at the time of our meeting specific dates for Welby are unknown.
To receive an update from the District Councillor Sarah Trotter on South Kesteven District Council matters" Cllr Sarah was appreciative of the Clerk & Councillors help in making such a success of the Ward Grant providing Christmas meals for seven of our parishioners before Christmas. Sarah & Martin Hill were also very helpful in support of both the 30mph speed signs being moved further back (to their original location) up Welby Road towards Oasby – about 85m. In addition, regarding the white gates project we are undertaking. Sarah also advised the planning application at the Cold Harbour site was still under review pending further delays due to the current Lockdown (3).
7. Lincolnshire Police Report (if PCSO present at meeting)
To receive an update from PCSO Stuart Bowden in regards to local police matters - There was no update available from Stuart Bowden prior to the issue of these minutes.
8. Correspondence^
The clerk reported to the meeting below relevant correspondences received since last meeting;
Type of Correspondence
Received from
Action taken
SKDC –Planning
Summary of weekly planning list for district.
Circulated to Councillors for information.
This information was received by councillors and agreed that appropriate action taken.
9. Planning Applications
a. No current planning applications to consider.
Reference: S18/0944
Mr Joseph Bryan (Appealed)*
No change. Update to be supplied when re-scheduled meeting date or status changed, post Covid-10 v3
Land between High Dyke & B6403, Cold Harbour
Proposal: Use of land for stationing caravans for residential purposes, erection of six-day rooms and one toilet block, with access
SKDC Local Plan Consultation
Around Grantham
19,000 dwellings to be built:
This could have an impact on the above application?
10. Highways^
a) The Clerk updated on previous highway faults reported by WPC to LCC Highways and SKDC.
Council Reference
Date Logged
Description of Fault
Gulley close to Welby Turn off on High Dyke needs refilling
WPC felt work completed is not adequate! Awaiting Highways confirmation of repair date.
Water damage to a villager’s wall in Main Street
Awaiting Highways confirmation of repair date.
20/5/ 20
Due to two accidents within the village LCC to be contacted regarding extending speed limit boundary
Clerk has followed up with Martin at LCC and Highways Dept - now awaiting confirmation of date.
Church wall damage – repairs outstanding
To date, the wall has been assessed & agreed. Work has been scheduled to start in around 2-3 weeks’ time.
Reported on-going poor road condition near bus stop, Main St
Awaiting Highways confirmation of repair date.
Parishioner highlighted issue with rainwater damage on road outside their property
Awaiting Highways confirmation of repair date.
11. Village Matters
Bench near Bus Stop on Main Street now fully restored – as a special ‘Thank you’ to the individual who
completed the extensive work freely, it’s proposed a small gift/voucher is provided to them
Clerk confirmed the previous Welby website was taken down on 16th December with the new refreshed version immediately live.
More fly-tipping reported by villager on the road East out of Welby – report No: 1944489.
12. Finance
a) Cash Book: The Clerk reported the Bank statement shows a balance o: f £3,942.01 as of 3/12/20
SID donations included within this sum = £720 + £500 (LCC) - Total = £1,220.00 -
WPC net account = £2,722.01
Since last meeting the following income has been received:
Ward Grant towards 7 parishioners Christmas meals
Since last meeting payments made from the bank:
Chq No
Payment for
Annual membership
Amazon voucher
Gift from WPC to Will – repairs on bench
Michael Priestley
Payment for Christmas meals from Crown & Anchor to
seven Welby parishioners
b) Cheques raised during meeting
Chq No
Payment for
Greenstripe Groundcare
Grass cutting & verges in Welby
The petty cash shows a balance of £7.06 as of today’s date.
Since last meeting payments made from Petty Cash:
Folio No
Purchased From
Payment for
The Chairman signed off Cashbooks as a true record after agreement from councillors that both bank statement and cash books were accurate.
c) Discuss the Welby Parish Precept sum for year 2021-22 - Note: Precept agreed to be maintained at the 2020-21 level.
13. Urgent/any other business
To consider any urgent business:
A) Concerns raised by a parishioner regarding the setting off of fireworks over both November 5th and New Year’s Eve periods, and any other occasions in the year, without any advanced warning/notice. Due to some distressed (& harmed) local livestock/pets, consider how this could be prevented from happening again.
The councillors discussed the difficulty in imposing specific restrictions and felt a large amount of common courtesy and good neighbourly sense should come to the fore. A useful reminder notice will be issued to ensure everyone within the village becomes more alert to the dangers that can be caused to both property, pets, horses and wildlife whenever fireworks are set off, be they at seasonal times or for parties, weddings etc during the year. A simple early notification may be all that’s required advising date & timings.
B) New Bank Mandate to be completed by councillors & Richard Houghton, to finally confirm Richard Houghton as a signatory on WPC account & to access on-line statements, make payments etc.
14. Date of next meeting of the parish council is on: Monday 8th March 2021 at 7pm via Zoom
Signed: ………………………………………………………… Chairman Dated:……………………………
It is important to understand that the information this document contains represents notes of the meeting which took place and do not become Minutes of Welby Parish Council until accepted or otherwise at the following meeting.